*RnB - Hip Hop - Ambiesoul*
Music Production
Want to have music created for your written works?
We can provide you with RNB, HipHop & Pop production that takes you to the next level.
Vocal Recording Studio
Are you in the Edmonton area and looking to record vocals for you next demo or cover-tune or a voice-over, we would be glad to assist you with you needs!
**Very affordable pricing**
(Hourly and Project Rates Available)
Client Testimonals
We have had the pleasure of working with some incredibly talented clients!
VestEd!Music now partnered with:
(excellent voice-over specialist)
to bring you the best in voice overs for advertising, commercials & presentations, coaching in public speaking and much more!
Mixing & Mastering
Looking to have a project mixed or mastered?
VestEd!Music has teamed up with execllent local and international audio engineers and can facilitate your mixing and mastering needs.
Brand Innovation
VestEd!Music now partnered with:
(premiere strategic branding organization)